15 Things To Do While Quarantined

Being quarantined is still so unreal for most of us. The last pandemic was in 1918! Thank God we have more resources to help us cope with everything that’s happening. Well virus or not, here’s a list of ideas to help your Stay-At-Home stretch go a little easier.

  1. Review your Goals. For some of your goals, extending the deadline is all you need. Consider completely re-writing your goals for the year or if you haven’t written any. Now’s the time.
  2. Get Organized. It’s time to tackle that task. Clean out your inbox. Sort through old nagazines or get rid of old clothes. You can finally get your home office just the way you want it.
  3. DIY. Work on a DIY project. Get new curtains, change the wall color or create a container garden. Find a YouTube video and get started.
  4. Eat Healthy. When we’re stuck at home, we tend to snack more. Eating too much sugar lowers your immune system, so adding fresh fruits and veggies with your snacks can help you stay healthy.
  5. Have a Dance Session. Play some old music from your childhood and get your groove on. If you have children, listen to their music and get the party started.
  6. Personal Think Tank. Take time to think of ways to improve yourself. There is always room for growth. Create another stream of income. Research a degree you’d like to obtain. Use this time to improve yourself.
  7. Exercise. Can’t get to the gym, no problem. There are tons of Instagram accounts dedicated to at home workouts for all different fitness levels. Not your thing? The old fashioned push-up is still one of the best exercises out there. Can you do 50, 25, or how about 10? Get to it! By the time all this is over, you’ll be a push-up boss.
  8. Laugh. Amazon Prime has a great selection of comedies, both movies and sitcoms. Have a stand-up comedy night with your family, taking turns “on stage” and the winner gets a prize! Laughter is good for your body. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (Prov 17:22). With everything else going on around us, let’s not get dried bones 😁.
  9. Stay Posititve. You must keep a strong positive outlook. Remind yourself that things will get better. Be grateful for what you have. Get a notepad (or the app) and write down things that you’re grateful for, even “little” things like being able to read and write. You’ll be surprised how long the list can get. The old school grandmas call that counting your blessings.
  10. Learn Something New. We should always want to improve ourselves by learning more. It could be a new skill for your career or a new hobby. Learning to code, photography or a virtual cooking class just might benefit you in the long run. A hobby can turn into a career.
  11. Give. Give to a worthy cause. Donate to an organization that’s on the front lines. Buy a loaf of bread for someone.
  12. Check in on an Old Friend. Has it been awhile since you’ve heard from certain friends or loved ones? Call them up.
  13. Read. A finance book, crime novel or biography, the choice is yours. Order from Amazon or check out a digital book from the library. My local library uses Hoopla.
  14. Plan and be Prepared. We all hope that a pandemic never happens again. It’s still a good idea to be prepared for whatever may come. Whether it’s a natural disaster or lay-offs, you should have the pantry stocked and an emergency fund set aside. Make a list of the things you wish you had in place before covid-19. Did you want more hand sanitizer, more money or a less populated place to live. Make a plan now to get what’s on your list.
  15. Speak Words. Mainstream society calls this positive affirmations, I call them positive confessions. Each day you should speak positive words about how you want your day and life to be. You must speak not just think it. Words like “I am strong”, “I’m a survivor”, “Things will get better for me and my family”, “I am successful” and “My life is filled with abundance”. Saying positive words along with reviewing your goals daily put you on a path to getting what you want out of life.

Which of these ideas is your favorite? Let me know by leaving a comment in the section below.

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